Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Revolt of the Scruffy

 Men have not kept God's Word pure; it is God's Word that has kept men pure. We are sadly lost if we ever lose sight of this fact. We need God's Word more than it needs us. The Word of God in the hands of His people is not a dangerous thing!~Author Unknown
There is a strain of thought around that social media such as Facebook have given too much opportunity to mere commoners to weigh in on subjects better left to the religiously credentialed. That an unkempt rabble breeds heresy and must somehow be restrained.
Well that horse is out of the barn. These are the same arguments the religious elite used when the printing press was invented. Now everyone could have a Bible and read for himself the truth. Today everyone has a pulpit if they want one. And once again the elites are screaming foul, "Look at all the heresy" they say. To a certain extent that's true, things are somewhat messy out there on the web. But look at all the blasphemy emanating from seminary graduates and the argument weakens considerably.
It's more about power than theology. When the pulpit controlled the megaphone people could be led like biblical sheep wherever the religious elite wished. They still have the pulpit but there are now millions of megaphones and it's not as easy to maintain power over the flock and that causes a great deal of consternation in some circles.
There has always been weirdness in the church on both sides of the pulpit, Paul was warning against heresy and false teachers and prophets in the New Testament. But there are also thousands of wonderful churches out there doing New Testament ministry. This is not a cry for revolution, but one may be coming anyhow. People have got their megaphones and are willing to use them. Folks are much less accepting of the idea that if a Pastor says it it must be true, and that makes some of our elites uncomfortable. And it turns out that there are a lot of people out there who lack seminary degrees that have forgotten more about scripture and it's relevance to everyday living than some pastors, cocooned behind their pulpits, will ever learn.
However it turns out you can be sure that Jesus will play a role.

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