Just Another Surrender
I've read a lot lately about movements that use catch phrases like "Sold out for Jesus" or "Radical Christianity". I guess they call it that to indicate a high level of enthusiasm, and while I'm all for enthusiasm, what's wrong with just being obedient? Does honoring the Great Commission require being "Sold Out For Jesus"? Just how "Radical" do you have to get to take care of widows and orphans or feed the poor?
When I read the Sermon on the Mount I don't get the feeling that Jesus was whirling about, driving the assembled multitudes into a hand waving frenzy, shouting emotionally as he worked the crowd into a lather of supernatural meekness. In fact, the only scripture where Jesus seemed to get all fired up was when he cast the money changers out of the temple. His demeanor in the rest of the Gospels was calm, steady, inspiring yes, but not like so many preachers today, sweating their congregations into action.
Jesus was a sea of calm in a turbulent era, I suspect that was a large part of His appeal. Maybe our need to get "Sold Out and Radical", to gyrate and spin, shout words of praise, and experience miracles is a result of simple disobedience to the day to day slog required to translate noise into action, to fully surrender to simple commands. I know that for me the inspirational stuff wears off quick, and then I'm confronted by the apathy in me, not the resistance of the world.
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