Beginning January 1st, 2011 was an extraordinary year, a year that will go down in history along with the previous two thousand and ten years, which is where we normally store used years. In history that is.
Lasting an incredible 12 months it was a year replete with seasons, both cold and hot, holidays celebrated on Mondays in order to insure a steady supply of three day weekends for all except members of Congress who actually put in fewer hours than the chronic unemployed, and the occasional drone attack on worn out terrorists who don’t have Facebook or Wickipedia to keep them abreast of what’s hot in the counter-terrorism community.
So here we are in late December with nothing happening, and like, what better way to light up the coming year than with a retrospective on 2011? Unless of course, like me, you’re just glad it’s over.
Hello 2012.
Oh's been a wearisome 12 months.