Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Glow of the Lord at Work.

I had one of those moments Sunday, you know the kind, a moment suffused with the glow of the Lord at work.

On Sunday afternoons I facilitate a Christ Based 12 Step group at my church and while I was making the coffee a young woman walked in and asked if she was in the right place for the recovery meeting. I said yes and invited her to sit and relax while I finished the coffee.

We got to talking and she said that she was homeless, she'd been molested 5 years ago, that had begun a downward spiral of booze and despair, and now she was an atheist. That sort of surprised me since we, after all, are a church group and we don't advertise anywhere, so I asked her how she found out about us and she said the words that rocked my world. "I started going to church here a few weeks ago and I saw it in the church bulletin."

Jesus. A homeless atheist living in the woods near our church, for some reason starts going to church, is attracted back over and over again, and still an atheist, decides to seek help with her drinking from a bunch of believers. 

Is that cool or what......we beat our heads trying to figure out how to reason with atheists, when really, we just have to live like Christians. In another fellowship I belong to it's called attraction not promotion.

1 comment:

  1. Great article, I just loved it! It smacks of the goodness of GOD!
