Tuesday, August 13, 2013


As he signed into law North Carolina’s new repressive voter legislation, the governor stated it’s purpose was to address rampant, undetectable voter fraud. Which begs the question, if it’s so rampant how come you can’t detect it?

When I hear the word rampant I think widespread, out of control, prevalent, epidemic, flagrant, and uncontrollable. I never think undetectable. Undetectable makes me think infinitesimal, unnoticeable, insignificant, and ephemeral.

In fact, I can’t imagine a set of circumstances that would cause me to use the words rampant and undetectable to describe the same event.   

Now if what you’re really doing is enacting legislation to make it more difficult for people who oppose your policies to vote, it makes perfect sense. Of course you can’t actually say that, at least not in public, so you make up some fictional problem and fix it with legislation that makes it harder to vote. For your opponents that is.

The only rampant voter fraud in this country is that being perpetrated by republican legislatures on their own citizens.

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