Saturday, May 7, 2011

Do We Really Need Another Church Here? Conclusion

In an area with over 400 churches, with every style of worship imaginable available, is it possible that what we lack is one more church? That we need to invest the time and resources to build one more church that will sit empty 6 days a week and underutilized on Sunday? That one more congregation will address the issue of a growing population of the unchurched in ways that the other 400 congregations couldn't figure out?
Which is not to say that we should do nothing, that we should just quietly accept the growth of the unchurched as inevitable, circle our wagons and wait for the rapture. If all we're doing is waiting, we are in disobedience, and that's not a place I want to be.
 And this is not a critique of the sorry state of the church in Lee County Florida either. Our area is home to wonderful churches, churches with a commitment to outreach and service, congregations doing Herculean amounts of work to carry the message of Christ's love to their neighbors. Maybe what has happened is that for a significant percentage of the population traditional channels of outreach don't work anymore. My experience tells me that there are thousands of people that believe that traditional churches are no longer relevant to their lives, so outreach programs designed to get those people inside the sanctuary are doomed to failure. They believe that churches are only about money, that religion sucks, that Christians are hypocrites, thugs, and child molesters,so inviting those folks to church is futile. Interestingly enough, those same people have a generally positive opinion of Christ, it's Christians they don't care for. They are church bashers not Jesus bashers and therein lies the opportunity.
I believe that traditional churches need to keep doing what they're doing, they fulfill a vital role in the spiritual life of their congregations and traditional ways of outreach still work for many. But the fact is that church attendance here is in decline in spite of their prodigious efforts and perhaps building another church in an area like Lee County is a waste of limited resources.
We need to create opportunities for these highly opinionated church bashers to gain exposure to Jesus without having to darken the doors of a sanctuary. What we don't need to do is to argue with them over areas that are irrelevant to their salvation. Church and religion sucks? No problem, pull up a chair and let's have a cup of coffee.
Missionaries pioneered the technique of misdirection, of going into countries where Christian witnessing is forbidden as businesspeople who then use their businesses as vehicles for witness, we should try that here. Satellite community centers where low cost or free services are offered to the community, coffee shops, reading rooms, anything that will get people through the door and into a non-threatening Christian atmosphere. 
So there you have it. Do we really need another church here? Probably not.

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