Dreadful It Is To Fall Into The Hands Of The Living God.
Take any words in the New Testament and forget everything except pledging yourself to act accordingly. My God, you will say, if I do that my whole life will be ruined.....Dreadful it is to fall into the hands of the living God.~Soren Kierkegaard
When I professed Christ as Lord I didn't know it but I was embracing a course of behavior so radical that the only relief possible was ignorance. Whatever you do don't invite Christ into your life and then make the mistake of reading the New Testament. It's there I find that salvation is not merely a get out of hell free card, that salvation implies action beyond my natural willingness to obey. The enormity of what Christ asks of me, to sell everything, give the money away, and follow Him (Mathew 19: 16-26), to drop everything at once and just go (Mark 1:18) is best dealt with in ignorance, so don't read the New Testament.
Better yet, read the New Testament. Read it regularly, read about the rejects, losers, social climbers, Jesus deniers (The Apostles), the believer persecutors (Paul), and the tax collectors, prostitutes, and assorted lowlifes that the Lord turned into world changers and martyrs and take hope. I do. On my own resources I can't be obedient, and it was in the New Testament I found a wistful desire to become a branch that bears fruit for the vine that is our holy Lord (John 15), it was in the New Testament that I learned that men and women just like me, caught in the dreadful hands of the living God, found power of a sort they never imagined possible to accomplish things they never dreamed possible. So there's hope for me.
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