Where in the Bible are Christians called to defend the Bible’s reputation? Where do we find any evidence within the Bible itself of authors concerned to reconcile every contradiction or avoid any appearance of historical inaccuracy? From a post by James F. McGrath in the Christian Century
A Pentecostal friend of mine refers to scripture as the "total revealed mind of God", a phrase that tends to appeal more to me than the "innerrancy" of the Bible, which is not to say that I believe that the Bible is riddled with error, but speaks more to the fact that there are disagreements among Christians as to what certain passages say or mean, so what are those of us trying to attain unity to do or think?
Scripture starts generating disagreements right from the start. In Genesis some believe the story of creation must lead us to the conclusion that the earth is about 6000 years old, that man and dinosaurs roamed the earth simultaneously. Others point out that the bible essentially states that a thousand years is but a blink to an infinite God, so the earth could indeed be millions of years old. In the Old Testament many foods were not permissable, circumcision was required of all God's people, and we needed the intercession of a tribe consecrated to the priesthood in order to remain right with our Lord. In the New Testament all that changes.
So can the Bible be considered innerrant while being filled with seeming inconsistencies and contradictions? Of course it can, over the years many of the contradictions I thought were there have disappeared as I have read scripture and listened to scholars expound on the Bible. Where I think many of us get caught up in disagreements is the ridiculous idea that all these seeming controversies will be settled in this life. We are finite people with an infinite God and to expect that the Bible, a finite document, contains all the answers of the universe is absurd. More likely it contains just what we need to be reconciled to an infinite God and nothing more.
Which is why the prospect of heaven is so exciting to me, we're going to see some stuff there that will make our puny, finite minds quiver with awe, things unimaginable here. So bring it on, this is gonna be cool.
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