Sunday, June 26, 2011

Well This Is Awkward

Pulpits rang out today all across this great land against the law in New York State permitting gay marriage, the consensus being that scripture declares homosexuality sin. Scripture also declares the worship of other Gods sin, yet those same pastors would probably, to a man (or woman), defend the rights of others to worship in the faith of their choice even though that worship condemns them to hell, which isn't entirely clear about homosexual behavior.

My point here isn't argument about scripture or the law in New York, it's about the Harvest. Let's see if I can explain myself. If you're gay in America and own or have read the bible there's fair reason to suspect homophobia in the selective outrage about sin flooding from our pulpits. Adultery, divorce, and myriad other sins seem to inspire far less outrage than gay and lesbian behavior. And how does that affect our witness to the gay community? Not well I suspect.

 When we can overcome the homophobia and hypocrisy of our fulminations about homosexuality is when we will become far more effective witnesses to those who, like us, are simply "poor miserable sinners who rightly and justly deserve temporal and eternal punishment" except for the sacrifice of the Lamb for our sins.

It's really awkward to try and explain the position of many believers to a bible reading LGBT.


  1. Thank you for being a rational Christian that is not homophobic John. One other serious piece of knowledge about the Bible is there are many admonitions and rules that were proper during those times but are now not necessary. And so Christians do not bother with them. Who can say that homosexuality is not one of those things that was improper in its' time? Actually I can see how homosexuality would be improper back in those times. What held a society together was man power. People. Creating new members of a tribe was very important if the tribe was to survive. Practicing gay sex was a sure way to not create man power for your group. So in that respect back then it was an "abomination".

  2. Thanks for your comment Pennee, I don't even care to get into figuring out if it is or isn't. I just want to be able to reach out to them without having to constantly explain away our homophobia first......sigh.
