Believers are called "kings and priests" and a
"royal priesthood" as a reflection of their privileged status as
heirs to the kingdom of the Almighty God and of the Lamb. Because of this
privileged closeness with God, no other earthly mediator is necessary.~Unknown
“No other earthly mediator is necessary.” Now those are
radical words, we’re talking full blown revolutionary. When Peter proclaimed “you
are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special
people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness
into His marvelous light" he was blowing a gigantic hole in the rational
of the elites. The crucifixion of the Lamb tore the veil separating us from a
direct relationship with God.
So what did we do? We went out and built us a new veil, a
brand new class of mediators equipped with Doctor of Divinity degrees, pulpits,
and other trappings of elitism. A universe of denominations run by modern day Pharisees decreeing what believers should believe, what role they can play in
the church, a whole new hierarchy that the flock should obey. In today’s
church, If you haven’t been to a seminary you get to help out on Church Cleanup
It’s no wonder that the ranks of the spiritually unaffiliated are exploding.
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