Monday, January 14, 2013

I Hope You Both Get Fleas

I’m conflicted. 

Oh, not about the gay hating mouth foamers of the Christian right. It would be delicious irony if their hate got them consigned to the same hell they so gleefully pray for gays. Spending eternity with gays, now there’s real hell for a homophobe.

But there are also millions of believers who love scripture, who read it for comfort and insight, and they are not haters. They believe that when the Bible says same sex love is sin, it’s sin. They also believe that other behaviors labeled as sin in scripture are sin, adultery, lust, divorce, etc.  Perhaps more importantly, they follow Jesus. They really believe He meant it when He talked about love. And that’s how they try to live their lives in a sinful world. 

Which brings me to Louis Giglio. He was recently forced to withdraw as a participant in President Obama’s second inauguration because of a sermon he gave nearly twenty years ago about homosexuality. In the intervening years he has devoted his life in ministry to combatting sexual slavery through the Passion Movement, his talks "Indescribable" and "How Great Is Our God" have been viewed by churches and individuals around the world, and is widely read as an author of many books, none of which deal with homosexuality.

So, is this man disqualified to deliver a prayer for our country at a presidential inaugural? 

Are gays, who have been so sadly abused by Christians, in danger of inflicting similar abuse on those who disagree with them? I don’t believe that the cause of gay rights is served well by responding to the fringe haters of the christian right with the same exclusionary tactics as the haters, particularly when they are on the verge of winning equal rights around the country.

Telling believers they have no right to participate in society unless they reject scripture is wrong too. Both sides have a mutual responsibility to express their differences with love and tolerance.

And really, pick your fights carefully. Don't just trash a man because he differs with you, when there are those who would destroy you given the chance.

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