Friday, July 19, 2013


I recently came across an article by a young seminary student that claimed a PhD level education was necessary in order to understand the bible, which if true is great job security for a seminary student.

“Cause after all, there’s not a lot of work out there for someone who’s paid thousands of dollars to learn ancient Greek and Hebrew if us ordinary believers can just pick up an NIV bible and understand it with a little discernment and a desire to know Jesus.

Which brings me to schism. I’m sure we could have schism without theologians, but they make the job so much easier. Every denomination has their theologies, all of which are supported by scholars with long strings of letters after their names shouting apostate at theologians they disagree with.

Bottom line is it’s all about power. Make the faith so complicated the sheep feel compelled to have paid professionals to sort it out for them. Voila. Job security. Elites clinging to power amid a shrinking pool of believers.

Maybe it’s time to blow it up and see what rises from the rubble. Oh, it’ll be messy alright, but Jesus showed us it could work.

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