Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Welcome to the Church of the Victim

Victims never recover. As long as the world and the people in it are the source of my woes, I’m doomed. Because you see I have no power over them. People are gonna do what they do. My real hope is that I’m the problem, cause I can change.

So I cringe when I hear Pastors and believers railing at the world, “We’d be just fine if it weren’t for the pornographers, or the abortionists, our children would not be fleeing the church if not for Hollywood, or gays, or Democrats, or liberals.”

Shut up with that stuff! Stop your whining and grab a mirror.

The church of the New Testament thrived in a sinful, broken world, today our faith grows like a weed in hostile environments, places where to self identify as a believer can be fatal. Why are we in decline in the freest country in the world for religious expression? If it’s the culture we live in we’re doomed, but If we’re screwing up, if we’re blowing it, we have a chance, we can start doing things differently, we can change.

The anarchist in me suspects we’re going to have to start heaving figurative bombs at the denominational ruling elites. We’re gonna have to occupy the church and send all the old, white victims running the church to therapy. We’ll need to retire the haters, send them packing. Or we can do nothing, just make sure the last believer out turns off the lights.

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