Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The call of God is not for the special few, it is for everyone...Get out of your mind the idea of expecting God to come with compulsions and pleadings. When our Lord called His disciples there was no
irresistible compulsion from outside. The quiet passionate insistence of His "Follow Me" was spoken to men with every power wide awake.
If we let the Spirit of God bring us face to face with God, we too shall hear something akin to what Isaiah heard, the still small voice of God; and in perfect freedom will say, "Here am I; send me."~Oswald Chambers

Called. It's a word used over and over in scripture. And I've always felt a wistful envy of folks, particularly missionarys, who experience a distinct call, clearly discernible and with no ambiguity. "You!! Go to Africa!!" And off they go. 

With me, it has more of the flavor of being led. My experience with The Fellowship Of The Cup is a case in point. My friend Travis and I sat for months drinking coffee, talking about reaching those around us who might be open to the message of salvation but would never think about darkening the doors of a church. One day we just got sick of talking about it and decided to invite friends to a coffee shop and just start talking about Jesus, and the experience has been remarkable. I guess that's "called." But it sure doesn't feel like it sometimes.

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